How do I count thee? Let me count the ways?

The Mathematics of Taylor Swift

      I confess to being fascinated by Taylor Swift for far more than her music. I think she is an extraordinary person for her philanth...

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

8 Crayola Crayons

Many of my friends know I am color-challenged. Not colorblind; I see some colors, just not as many as most people see. I don't recall always being this way. In my earliest elementary school years I had a box of 8 Crayola crayons, and I did just fine. My problems began when Crayola started adding more and more colors including combinations like green yellow and yellow green. With nothing better to do, I just wrote a little program in R, and here are the original eight colors, which I still identify just fine. There is no meaning to the heights of the bars.

title <- c("Original 8 Crayola Crayons")
subtitle <- c("According to")
temp <- c(5,7,6,4,8,5,2,5) # meaningless
colors <- c("red", "yellow", "blue", "green", "orange", "brown", "violet", "black")
hex <- c("#FF0000", "#FFFF00", "#0000FF", "#008001", "#FF6600", "#964B00", "#6A0DAD", "#000000")
barplot(temp, col=hex, main=title, sub=subtitle, names.arg=colors)

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